Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld
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Mikro- und Nanotechnik elektronischer Systeme.
Wir betrachten sämtliche Aspekte der Miniaturisierung von sensorischen und aktuatorischen Komponenten: Design, Materialanalyse, Fertigung und Charakterisierung von Mikrostrukturen bis hin zur Einbindung der Mikrokomponenten in drahtlose Sensornetzwerke. Hierzu verwenden wir numerische Entwurfswerkzeuge und Technologien der Mikrostrukturtechnik.
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June 2016, Prof. Hohlfeld receives teaching award
The faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering of the University of Rostock grants this year's teaching award (Lehrpreis) to Prof. Hohlfeld.
"I am indebted to my students for their interest and their active participation in my lectures. I want to express my gratitude to all students for their motivation to complete numerous evaluation forms twice a year; and my colleagues for analyzing even more forms. I am very happy to accept this award as a motivation for further improvement of my lecturing."
May 2016, Prof. Hohlfeld attends this year's Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Upon invitation of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Prof. Hohlfeld attended this year's Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium in Potsdam. 60 scholars from India and Germany assembled to discuss cutting edge research in fields such as Energy Harvesting, Length Scales in Biomechanics, Smart Materials/Bio-inspired Systems and Urban Systems.
Ample time has been reserved for discussions for all participants, which made this symposium an interactive and inspiring event. Bilateral follow-up meetings between participants are strongly encouraged and supported by the foundation.